​What is Recognition of Prior Learning?


Atlantic Technological University recognise that learning occurs in a wide variety of contexts, including paid work, involvement in social, community or voluntary activities, or learning through life experience generally. We also recognise that it is important to give equal value to all these forms of learning, as this enables individuals to be supported to enter, participate in, and progress through higher education at a level appropriate to them.

​ What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process by which prior learning is formally valued. It is a means by which prior learning is identified, assessed, and recognized by an educational institution as part of its programmes, courses, and/or modules on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). This makes it possible for an individual to build on learning achieved and to be rewarded for it. This eliminates duplication of learning, meaning you don’t have to relearn things you already know.

​Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can be used for:

​​Entry to a programme

​ All programmes have entry criteria aligned with the National Framework of Qualifications. RPL may be used as an alternative means to satisfy entry criteria.  

Advanced entry to a programme  

Advanced entry to a programme is where one joins a programme in year 2, 3 or 4. An applicant will be considered for advanced entry following a process of assessment where they satisfactorily demonstrate they have learning equivalent to the overall learning of the previous stage(s). 

Module exemptions 

 A fundamental principle of Recognition of Prior Learning is that one should not have to relearn something previously learned. It may be reasonable for a registered student to apply for an exemption for a module(s) on evidencing prior certified or experiential learning.

RPL Explained